Disintegrated Parts

One of the things I miss most about youth is the simplicity of the world. This simplicity which had separated our family from the rest of the world. This clear boundary prescribing how we did things, and setting it apart from how others approached these same topics. Descriptive of this perspective had been the monotone way of thinking. It was either black or white. There were no in betweens, no shades of gray, let alone colours.

As I grew up this simplistic perspective slowly but surely made way for a less certain but more accurate perspective of this world. It was through the mere experience of life that I had to face the sheer complexity it brings forth.

That is not to say such reckoning is per definition a part of life. If anything it is more comfortable to maintain such simplistic worldview, for it externalizes the problems it brings forth. Any complexities it comes with are the fault of the outside world, for they do not exist in your own worldview. The glaring inconsistencies and contradictions manifesting themselves within your own worldview are conveniently ignored.

To a certain extent reckoning the complexity of this world is a natural part of growing up. Some experience this transition gradually over the course of their youth. Some find themselves in situations shaking the very foundation of their existence. All while others never really escape this monotonism. It is difficult to make an assessment of the size of this group, but assuming it intersects with the far-right of the political spectrum that would suggest there is a sizeable chunk of the population fostering such monotone worldview. In America that’d be roughly 26% of the population.

The problem therein isn’t so much that one approaches the complexity of this world in a simplistic manner. That in itself is completely fine, and valid, especially considering we all might not have the bandwidth to deal with this complexity. What is problematic however is how these people superimpose their simplistic worldviews unto others, more often than not inhibiting the freedom of others in the process.

Solving this is an inherently difficult problem which in my humble opinion starts with taking care of our collective mental wellbeing. One can even be sympathetic for the reasons one is unable to reckon with the inherent complexity of this world, our society, our families, and even ourselves. If there is a solution to this problem in the first place it can in no way further the divide already painfully visible in society. Instead it must work to life everyone up, regardless of background, convictions or past experiences. The reason we had gotten ourselves into this position, again in my humble opinion, is because we had collectively neglected our mental wellbeing for far too long, and we are currently suffering from it. Not only individually, or as a family, but also to the extent of whole societies.

If only there were a simplistic solution to the problem of our mental health. The diversity of our societies does not allow for a one size-fits all solution. Instead I believe we should all take care of one another, as mental wellbeing is not an individual responsibility, but instead a collective one. There can not be rights without responsibilities, and if we have the right to a healthy life, we consequently have the responsibility to support one another with that.

For if we neglect this responsibility, the world turns into an increasingly bleak and monotone place.

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