Disintegrated Parts

Created: July 15, 2021
Last Modified:September 12, 2024

Linked to from “High Performance Spatiotemporal Trajectory Matching”

Space Weighted Similarity (SWS)

The formula to the Space Weighted Similarity is:

\[SWS(T_1,T_2)=\frac {\int _α ^β m(p_1(t),\ p_2(t))v_1(t)dt} {\int _{α_1} ^{β_1} v_1(t)dt}\]


To simplify computation the following approximation can be used: \(\int _α ^β m(p_1(t),\ p_2(t))v_1(t)dt \approx \frac {1} {2} \sum _{i=1} ^{n-1} (m_i+m_{i+1})l_i)\)


The “space weighted segment score”: $(m_i+m_{i+1})l_i$

Making sense of the meaning of $v_1(t)dt$ I am turning to dimensionality analysis; the units of which would be $m/s\cdot s$ therefore denoting the distance covered over the course of the set. This is in fact backed by the comment within the paper: “… Then divide the result by the duration or total distance of $T_a$ …” Time weighted Similarity (TWS)

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